
‘Where’s Natsuki?’ is primarily a Sato Natsuki worship blog.  Along with random pictures, blog posts, videos, and trinkets of information, actual articles and reviews are posted sporadically.  Reviews and AKB48 news are posted on occasion.

13 Responses

  1. ^^
    you make a good site ^^
    i hope you contuinue , to be honest actually i’m introduce to AKB48, i dont know so much about they ^{ but i want to know soooo much, i will be checking your site ^^
    gambaree and never give it up !! ^0^

  2. nice site

  3. Hello! I was really impressed your website, because I’m one of “N+” members, which Natsuki un-officially named her fan-group.

    I really enjoyed this visit and eager to come again.

    and, I will tell Natuki, if I had an oppotunity, that she has an overseas fan.

    Bye! (N´ω`)ノ..★+゜

  4. ^Thank you for your comment! Please try to contact me at Stage48.


  5. You have a very well put together site, it seems you are quite up-dated in your knowledge of this group, I must say I do like Natuki very much but but where and how can I find more news on her?

  6. Stage48.net is the best source for international AKB fans. There isn’t much Natsuki-related news, but I try to gather it all here and find some myself!

  7. RSL, I checked out the stage48 web site and found it to be filled with massive amounts of information on every and anything possible on AKB 48 and many other international groups, I have to say that you and who ever put this site together produced something for everyone to enjoy, I found people from numerous countries all enjoying each others input on there favorite idol or on AKB as a whole, I have not decided to join yet since I know I will be there probaly 110% of the time now checking “YOUR” site out, but as I work my way in and out of your site and see the many different entries who knows I might be drawn in to join. Thanks RSL who knows some day I might be a “Super Idol”.

  8. I’m actually just a moderator at S48, but I do encourage you to join. Once you get into the community, it’s hard to pull away. There’s a lot of AKB knowledge in there, so if you need any help at all, ask anyone (including myself.)

  9. RSL, “what do you mean hard to get away” I have heard there singing for some years now and I do find it addictive, I find myself humming and whistleing and singing to myself there songs, and I seem to find myself looking on the net for only there info, and I have been trying to find someplace where I can translate there songs, I’m about to buy there lyrics from a CD company in Japan for some $$$, and here I am, I grew up here in the states, shipped out with the Navy and found myself loving the Japanese people and there culture, I have been to Tokyo, Horoshima, Nakasaki, Kyoto, Sasebo and many other places, I speak a little Japanese. lately all I want to do is eat, drink and breathe and live Japanese, and with Japanese girls looking so delicous I wish I never left Japan, so do you think I have an addiction for AKB 48 ??

  10. Possibly!

  11. Aaaaah RSL I love the Nacchi kimono banner! She looks so stunning *______*

  12. just found out this blog :D


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